Student Housing Discrimination in State College, PA?

Susan Helm is a Pennsylvania State Representative and licensed real estate broker. Recently she has been exploring the idea of whether it is discrimination to set limitations on where a student can live while in college. Currently in State College, PA, there are...

New York: Zombie Foreclosures On the Rise

According to Merriam-Webster, to foreclose is the act of taking back property because the money owed for the property was not paid. This is often the case with mortgages. In New York, something called a zombie foreclosure is on the rise. In 2014, zombie foreclosures...

When Can the Landlord Enter My Apartment?

Upon signing a new lease for an apartment, renters may initially feel concerned about whether the landlord will enter their apartment without warning. After all, no one wants to be exiting the shower to find their landlord in the living room. In accordance with state...

6 Tips for Better Real Estate Newsletters

Newsletters shared over the internet are helpful tools for staying in touch with clients of the past, present, and future. Some key elements that can go into making a high quality publication may include using recent blog posts, articles, and business photos. Explore...

The Secret Allure of Elite New York Real Estate

The Time Warner Center in New York is an important part of the state’s large real estate purchases. Over the past few years, some of the center’s most expensive condos have been bought by mysterious elite. One property with a price tag of $21.4 million was snatched up...