
Commercial Real Estate and Augmented Reality

Commercial Real Estate and Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is the latest tech innovation that enables someone in front of a device screen to feel like their physically inhabiting the image they’re running their cursor over. It’s brought new depth and excitement to gaming, but it’s also transforming how...

Should Private Real Estate Investors Look Out for Renters?

Should Private Real Estate Investors Look Out for Renters?

As 2020 rolls on into 2021, with a global pandemic continuing to ravage the U.S. economy, millions of unemployed or underemployed Americans press on in the daily struggle of making ends meet and providing for necessities such as food, medical expenses, and utility...

Great Books Everyone In Real Estate Should Read

Great Books Everyone In Real Estate Should Read

The real estate industry can be challenging, regardless of how much you know or how long you’ve been in the field. Even the best real estate professionals understand that there’s always something new they can learn from their peers and that one of the best ways to do...

Approaching Real Estate During the Age of COVID-19

Approaching Real Estate During the Age of COVID-19

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit American shores earlier this year, the world practically stopped for a while. Depending on what you did for work, you were either being forced to work from home, or you weren’t working at all due to the nature of your job not allowing...

Tips For Finding The Perfect Real Estate Agent

Tips For Finding The Perfect Real Estate Agent

Whether it’s your first or your fifth, buying a home can be a difficult process, and having an expert on the situation with you can make things much easier. That’s why people hire real estate agents. Real estate agents are professionals in buying and selling homes and...

Tips For Buying A Foreclosed Home

Tips For Buying A Foreclosed Home

If you’re looking to buy a house but are struggling to find something in your price range, a good idea is to buy a foreclosed house. Foreclosed homes can often save you a lot of money and more often than not it can be an overall better experience than dealing with a...

Top Real Estate Trends for 2020

Top Real Estate Trends for 2020

As the year 2020 moves forward, new trends and predictions in the real estate industry are on the rise. Every year real estate changes and welcomes new buyers with new wants and needs. In order to accommodate the changing times, the real estate industry must grow and...

A Decline in Homebuying Could Indicate a Recession

In late 2018, the American housing market saw a steep decline in purchases. As of December, homebuying was down 10.3% from the previous year. Home sales had been declining in every month, except for February. Economists say that this decline in the housing sector...

How TurnKey Caters to Millennials

How TurnKey Caters to Millennials

Amazon has recently partnered with the nation’s largest real estate broker, Realogy, to launch TurnKey, a new home buying program. The e-commerce giant is no stranger to disruptive technology and is now finally breaking into real estate. The strategic partnership has...