The insurance companies are kept busy by catastrophic natural disasters that occur almost every year. However, many uninsured homeowners will not benefit from their help and will deal with expensive repair bills instead. Whether you face a wildfire or an earthquake,...
When looking at the geographical makeup of America, one of the things that is constantly mentioned is the difference between rural and urban America. The differences between rural and urban cities can be complex, but some economists and geographers have tried to...
Of all areas of law, real estate is one of the most complex. From ever-changing zoning laws to understanding the various types of contracts involved with the many different types of transactions, it can be very difficult to stay up-to-date with this area of law....
Condemned — just the sound of the word seems like it’s bad news. Although most condemned buildings are often done so for unsafe or unsanitary reasons, that is not always the case because condemned buildings may also help the environment and community. In some...
Are you going to be a first-time renter? There are a handful of thoughts that are running through your mind — like what type of apartment is ideal for your lifestyle, when you should move, or what area you would like to relocate to. It’s a very exciting time for...